Kidlit Bloggers

This is one of the blogs that my students and I created for a course on young adult literature. For this particular blog, students weren't required to post and we used the space as a complement to our twice a week sessions. The "Issues of Diversity in Children's and Adolescent Literature" blog shows what it looked like when I had a blog as an instructor and asked students to create and link their own review blogs to the course site.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Chris Lopez Final Project

Fighting the Gay Formula

Happy Summer :]

Humping The American Dream

No one really knows what others are striving for....
Working together for a common dream that no one understands will ultimately lead to common faliure.
The American Dream is completely objective.

Here's my final presentation:

by Alyssa Salisbury

think about it.

Christopher Reed's presentation

Oh stumbleupon...

Hey, I was just stumblingupon (for those that don't know, you click a button and it takes you to random websites it thinks you'd like) before leaving for our final meeting, and I stumbled upon this. I figured that a lot of people in this class are in education, so it might be cool to see, although it's pretty cool regardless.

Final Project

Feminist Theory Text Set

can't wait to see everyone's projects!

Superhero Identity Text Set

Here is my final project. It's a text set about Superheroes and identity, and the issues superheroes have coming to terms with their identities. I hope you enjoy.

Superhero Text Set

Brett Robb

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Themed Text Set

Final Project

That link will take you to my final project. It was my first shot at creating a Prezi, so I hope it works out ok. Use the arrow keys to navigate it, and click to enlarge or rotate. Hope you guys enjoy it!


Final Project

Here is my final project. See y'all tomorrow :)



Monday, May 3, 2010

Children's Literature Association Draft Program

If anyone is interested in heading down to the ChLA conference in Ann Arbor in June, here's a link to the draft of the program.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Gallery Walk on Wednesday!

Gallery Walk of Young Adult Literature Projects
12:45-1:45 on Wednesday, May 5
Regular classroom

The votes are in on how to share final projects. The option that most people chose was the gallery walk. (Small groups came in a strong second.) 

Other than bringing a copy of your project/presentation, you don't have anything to do to prepare. (Although if your project is on-line, try to bring a computer. I'll have mine and we can also use the classroom computer.) We'll do the actual organization on Wednesday, but since we'll want to have everyone have a chance to share and talk about his/her project, we'll divide the class into groups and take turns mingling and "presenting".

I'll bring some treats!

Submitting projects:
  • If your project needs to be submitted as a hard copy (i.e. poster, scrapbook, binder, etc.), then you can just hand it in at the end of the Gallery Walk. (I'll also supply post-it notes and ask you when and how you would like the project returned.)
  • If your project is a traditional paper, please submit it to the Angel dropbox before the Gallery Walk. I will send feedback via email.
  • If your project is on-line, you can either do a post on our blog with a link or go to the Angel dropbox and supply the url for the project. (Either way, I'll email feedback privately.)
 Other questions?