Kidlit Bloggers

This is one of the blogs that my students and I created for a course on young adult literature. For this particular blog, students weren't required to post and we used the space as a complement to our twice a week sessions. The "Issues of Diversity in Children's and Adolescent Literature" blog shows what it looked like when I had a blog as an instructor and asked students to create and link their own review blogs to the course site.

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Critical Theory Today

I just finished reading chapter one in critical theory today and the quote on page one that Valerie quoted rings true for me. I am supposed to be a teacher in two and a half short years. If I can't understand theories how am I supposed to teach them to my students? If I fail I will be failing more than just my knowledge, I will be failing my future students as well. The second part is that I love to read literature. I have loved reading ever since I was a child and my mom used to read to me. It is probably the main reason I am going to be a English teacher is so I can share that love with others. I feel like if I have to analyze everything I read I will love it less and look at it more like a job instead of fun. Then again when I learned to critically analyze the media, watching TV did not become less fun so I am sure it is the same with this. This is just all new to me because I was not taught theories in high school, I get to learn them for the first time now.

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