Kidlit Bloggers

This is one of the blogs that my students and I created for a course on young adult literature. For this particular blog, students weren't required to post and we used the space as a complement to our twice a week sessions. The "Issues of Diversity in Children's and Adolescent Literature" blog shows what it looked like when I had a blog as an instructor and asked students to create and link their own review blogs to the course site.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Bright Ideas Conference - Teaching with Graphic Novels

Hello everyone. I recently worked on a project for the NCTE Bright Ideas Conference about teaching with graphic novels. My co-collaborators were Danielle Peck, a fellow student in the secondary English program who will be interning at Waverly high school next year, and Samara Napolitan who will be working towards a master's degree soon. Together we created a website to encourage the use of graphic novels in the classroom. On the site are pedagogical reasons for teaching graphic novels, some basic vocabulary you would need to teach and discuss this kind of text, as well as three graphic novels from the three different grade levels (elementary, middle, and high school) and how they could connect to the Michigan State Standards. Please feel free to take a look, and if you have any questions or comments send them my way! If you are interested in teaching graphic novels, but need some advice about where to find a particular novel or even just ideas for different novels you can always contact me as well.

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