Kidlit Bloggers

This is one of the blogs that my students and I created for a course on young adult literature. For this particular blog, students weren't required to post and we used the space as a complement to our twice a week sessions. The "Issues of Diversity in Children's and Adolescent Literature" blog shows what it looked like when I had a blog as an instructor and asked students to create and link their own review blogs to the course site.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

In the Interest of Self Promotion

Please check out Amy's Wish presented by the Holt Dimondale Community Players. I was the assistant director on this play and I'm very proud on how it turned out. The show opens on April 22 with shows also on April 23, 24, 29, 30 and May 1 all at 7 p.m. at the Holt Junior High. I believe tickets are $10 but I'll edit the post tonight with the confirmed price.

I hope you can make it. I know we are all busy with end of the year semester stuff :)