Saturday, February 27, 2010
Week 8: The Hunger Games & Constructions of the YA body
For Tuesday, please read The Hunger Games and write a critical reflection paper in which you draw on feminist and/or Marxist theory. We're working on getting everyone access to the power points, but you can also consult the Tyson text for ideas about what types of questions you might ask. My biggest piece of advice on the critical reflection papers is to focus on only one topic/question so that you can explore that aspect of the text in more depth. Close readings of quotes and specific support from the text is always valued!
For Thursday, please bring 3 representations of the young adult body. These can be from anywhere and can be any type of text, as long as you have a way to share it with the group. Also, read Quick's "Meant to Be Huge" in preparation for class. We'll use this article to talk about the intersection between disability studies and other critical theories, the construction of the YA body in literature, and what writing strategies we might take from the article to use in the final projects.
Friday, February 26, 2010
Feminist Theory Reflection
There were still some long sections of just lecture, however, which I think got a little heavy once or twice. If anything, I think more activities are better, even if they're small ones.
The class seemed to get a pretty good understanding of the theory, from what I overheard in the group discussions. What I liked when I was listening to one group discuss, after the Super Bowl commercials, was that they went outside the immediate text to look at the environment of the Super Bowl itself through a feminist lens, and also drew on other examples from television and advertisement that they thought related to the content and ideas of the commercials.
One thing that I think could have been discussed a little more by us is a clearer definition of feminism. It's not something that's easy to define as it has many different approaches and ideas (which we touched on with French and multi-cultural feminism) but I think it would have been beneficial if we had taken a little time to address some of the different impressions of feminism students in the class already had. Occasionally when listening to people's comments, I felt like there was maybe some clarification needed on what feminism is as a social movement, in addition to a form of critical analysis.
Thursday, February 25, 2010
Feminist Theory Powerpoint
If you have problems accessing it let me know.
Women in Media
One of my favorites is this one:
I highly recommend watching it!
Monday, February 22, 2010
Teaching Overseas
TIE on-line has a schedule that lists the recruiting fairs that are used by American International schools. My experience has been with the UNI fair.
The University of Northern Iowa job fair is held in February every year. You apply to participate well in advance, create a portfolio for adminstrators, and then do all of your face to face interviewing at the fair. UNI is known as a good fair for beginning international teachers. Having said that, most schools require 3-5 years of teaching expeirence in the States and/or a master's to be hired. If you have international experience, can speak the host country language, etc., this will also help. These schools care about the quality of education, but they also need people who are flexible!
I had a great time at AIS-Mali and AIS-Vienna. Particularly since you don't have to pay taxes if you are not a U.S. resident, your take home salary is typically higher than what you would make in the States.
Let me know if you have questions!
Friday, February 19, 2010
Safe Schools Seminar this Tuesday (2/23)
GLBTQ Children's and Young Adult Literature
- Introducing the Safe Schools Library
- Book talks on GLBTQ Literature
- Pedagogical Strategies for Using Books!
- 4:00-5:30 PM
- Tuesday, February 23
- Erickson Hall 252
Week 7: Series Books and Feminist Theory
On Tuesday we'll be discussing series books. Series books are generally defined as a sequence of four or more books that are written by the same author, include the same characters, and have either similar plots or an on-going plot through the series. (They do, in general, stand alone so that you don't necessarily have to read them in any order.) As the Cart reading mentioned, this trend in publishing for YAs really got going in the 1980s. Series books are generally valued by educators because they help readers gain reading fluency, rather than for their literary merit. Sometimes series books are examined as popular culture. As always, feel free to disagree!
Please write about the series book you have selected. Include a full citation so that we can talk about who published the book, the copyright date, etc. Possible paper topics:
- What is the relationship between the book you've selected and the rest of the series? Does the text suggest a "formula"? Is it possible to read one of the texts as a stand alone piece or does the series build on itself? This might be a time to look at the "paratext" (Gennette 1997) of the story: the front and back covers, dedication, the preview of the next book in the series, etc.
- What do you notice about the text when you read it through a critical theory? Is there any relationship between the "formula" or genre and the constructions of [class] in the text?
- Who seem to be the implied readers of the text? Who does the text invite the reader to be or value or want? How is the YA constructed in the text? What do you think of those invitations?
- Explore an intertextual connection. For example, connections between series books or between a series books and the spin off texts/merchandice.
- Feel free to write about another topic!
On Thursday we'll hear from the Feminist Theory Group!
Thursday, February 18, 2010
Rebel Teen

I find the concept of 'raging against the machine' or rebelling against corporate control extremely interesting. This concept is nothing new; I find multiple parallels with the hippie movement of the 60s and the corporate support behind that (ie. the music industry, textile, media). In my generation, the biggest rebel movement to hit was the emo-punk rock fad. Suddenly everyone, from "book nerds" to the "popular girls" were were teasing their hair and wearing skinny jeans and converse sneakers...marketed at 'rebelling' against mainstream...marketed so as to become mainstream.
"Merchants of Cool" used the example of Insane Clown Posse as an outlet for the 'rebelling'; this example is perfect. These teens were so eager to rebel, they failed to understand that they are feeding the machine as well. The following are some lyrics from Tool's song "Hooker with a Penis" which about consumerism and 'selling out.' Again, this idea of ignorant rebel comes into play.
I, met a boy, wearing Vans, 501s, and a
Dope beastie-tee, nipple rings,
New tattoos that claim that he
Was OGT,
back in '92,
from the first EP.
And in between
Sips of Coke
He told me that
He thought
We were sellin' out,
Layin' down,
Suckin' up
To the man.
All you know about me is what I've sold you,
Dumb f*ck.
I sold out long before you ever even heard my name.
I sold my soul to make a record,
Dip sh*t,
And then you bought one.
Ironic, no?
Cool killers.
So, the brands are influential.
And also, the brands kill the trends and perpetuate further change.
I'm sort of confused.
If the marketing of trends by large companies quickly makes them uncool, why and how do the advertisements work? Are the advertisements that influence young adults formulated around themes (ie. drinking, sex icons, high fashion) or specific brands (ie. Budweiser, Britney Spears, Marc Jacobs).
I think I'm leaning towards the latter. Although I do believe the brand is worth the money to many young adults, it seems that a trend as an overall concept is the more important transfer to make. This is prominently portrayed in a lot of YA magazines for girls. Pages are devoted to "look-alike" items, with pictures of celebrities in the latest fashion trends side-by-side with pictures of clothing which look similar but are available at affordable prices from stores like Target, Forever 21, etc.
I would be interested to get into the minds of current YA's and understand the way the subtle advertising affects their style, their money, and their relationships.
The Gravy Train
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Merchants of Cool
Merchants of Cool
The most curious question posed by Merchants of Cool was whether or not these companies are following what teens like, or whether teens are following what the companies are saying is cool at that specific moment. Interestingly enough, there was a movie called Josie and the Pussycats (that I am slightly ashamed to admit I own) that came out in 2001 that tackled a similar question while ironically using mass amounts of corporate sponsorship. In the movie, teens are subconsciously being brainwashed through underlaying tracks in “cool” music to keep them buying the latest cool thing on the market (i.e. - Red Bull, Big Mac’s, specific fashion trends). Unlike Feed and Merchants of Cool, Josie and the Pussycats wraps up nicely and the bad/"bad" guys are vanquished.
The whole idea that huge corporations hold sway over our likes and dislikes is nothing new to me. Nonetheless, the bombardment of “cool” that all three sources confront is quite disturbing and makes me wonder how much of what I’ve done and bought throughout my teenage and young adult years is indirectly because of mass media despite my unwillingness to conform to passing fads.
Lesson? ( - death and apocalypse) + (Merchants of Cool -
) =
Oh, I'm so funny...
The Mook Within
So with that course of action firmly off the table, from an educator perspective I think that this is exactly the sort of thing that we should expose our future students to. They should be conscious that the world they live in is a world that markets to them; what they should wear, eat, drive, and simply consume in general. Messages (tv, print ads, newspapers, internet, etc.) should all be looked at from a critical lens: who is paying for this, what do they want me to think, what is the author's intent, what are the unintended messages that we can expose, what is the purpose, the point? I think critical theory does an excellent job of posing these sorts of questions. I would definitely show this in a classroom someday, and I think it fits in very well with the Marxist critical theory and the book "Feed," which discusses similar ideas of who is in charge of how we think in society. I can see a book like "The Giver" working really well in such a unit as well, especially for a middle school audience.
yes, but so what?
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
The Influence of The Media
American Born Chinese and William Hung
William Hung Audition
Young Adults and Advertising
Merchants of Cool
Having said that, I think that this whole idea makes kids feel really lost. (young) Adults don't have so much marketing being directed toward them, but if we think back to when we were teenagers, we wanted to be special, we wanted to be the ones telling the media what WE wanted, and I think after watching that a lot of the kids interviewed felt like the media was telling them. But in a lot of ways this can't be helped, I mean "cool" is so fleeting that it is almost pointless to market something that teenagers already have. That is why bands such as ICP are becoming increasingly uncool.
Ramblings about Merchants of Cool
Also, another thought I had, I was a teen growing up in the nineties, so this documentary was about me. Sure, I listened to Brittany Spears, but I didn't watch MTV, nor did I go to Cancun for Spring Break, nor did I turn into a model at 13. Does this mean I am abnormal? Or, in their search for cool, do they only look at, and therefore attract, the "extreme" teenagers. Like when the correspondents were taking photos of people with tattoos - that was not me as a teenager. In fact, that wasn't anybody I knew. Maybe growing in rural Michigan meant that I wasn't cool? I think, as much as my opinion counts, that cool is not universal. Cool to me is completely different than cool is you, which is completely different than what is cool to my younger brother. How do the corporate people decide which cool to go with. They grabbed the "average" teenager for focus groups, but who are these "average" kids? They weren't me. Is there such thing as an average teenager? I don't think so. So what these researchers are doing, is finding a certain kid and then advertising to a certain kid. They catch other kids along the way, who think they are acting cool because MTV is showing them this, but really they are just seeing one personality type. I feel like I am talking in circles here. If I don't make sense, feel free to comment and let me know.
Thanks for listening!
I can see it in your eyes
I can see it when you laugh at me
Look down on me
You walk around on me
Just one more fight
About your leadership
And I will straight up
Leave your shit
Cause I've had enough of this
And now I'm pissed"
Merchants of Cool Response
The first segment of the show reminded me of Scott Westerfeld's novel So Yesterday (I realize this is the second time I've written about him). The story starts with a teen "coolhunter" and the job he does. However, it's a teen novel, so it develops the teen into something a little different.
One of the segments describe Sprite as "selling a lifestyle"; which sounds like something from the essay "Advertising on the Edge of the Apocalypse". The essay talks about how companies get you to buy their products because having those products will supposedly give you the life you want. It's a scary thought, because in reality, products aren't substitutes for life.
Some of the quotes I heard were a little ridiculous. For example, "Smuggling messages to kids" sounds creepy. I realize that is what the companies do, but I don't like the idea at all. "Natural habitat"? What are we? A new species? It's frightening to think that this is just going to get worse, because teens are so volatile. And finally, "Teens are like Africa." They compared it to colonization, but I thought that sounded odd.
So overall, I found the movie to be very interesting, but a few parts were a little too odd. I saw that they liked to show how the media generalized teens. For example, the show said teens talk about sex. Well, that's true, but they talk about other things too. I was wondering if show like "Dawson's Creek" talked about things other than sex. They also say that mooks and midriff don't really exist, but with the feedback loop, they do. Teens act like they have been told they should act, without knowing it. The subliminal messaging is intense. It's a crazy world out there and so many people buy into it.
What I Never Noticed Before...
Merchant of Cool Response
I was not happy at the idea of (even though not any longer a teenager) being a player in some companies money making game. They idea that we are exposed to over 3,000 ads in a single day just boggles my mind. I didn't realize the amount of ads that people are everyday exposed to, because I feel like we have become so immune to seeing them, that unless it is a newly released ad that catches the eye, we process them by second nature without even realizing what is going on. I forget the name of the company, but one of the businessmen from a certain company used the term "smuggling the message in" to describe his advertising. The word smuggling in itself is repulsive enough to understand the sneaky nature as to what they marketing giants are doing to their targets. As if this wasn't enough, then the documentary moved into the "feedback" loop. The way that teenagers are portrayed on television shows makes me sick. I completely follow how society has gotten slightly out of control with the need for all these new shows such as "Teen Mom" becasue when all the teenage population has to see is sex, then they are going to assume that it is the norm and soon find themselves in trouble. Another example of a television show taking teenage sex to the extreme is "Secret Life". On that show this 16 year old girl has a baby and gets engaged twice before even graduating. Does that sound like the average life of a girl in the high schools that you all went to? I know for me the answer is no way! These television shows are making it seem normal for teenagers to do these things and therefore putting pressure on today's society to keep up and follow along because what is on television is what is "cool". Marketers need to fully understand the impact that they have over these teenage minds just waiting to be molded, and therefore maybe take more percaution before releasing anything that could come back to "bite them in the butts".
Merchant of Cool
On another note I was kind of shocked that a program that is fighting against how youth have no voice and no control did just that. The only real people interviewed seemed to be old people. There were very few interviews with the youth and how they felt the media affected them. I think that maybe the youth should have had more of a voice in this report.
Cool, 2.0
Marxism Group: Final thoughts
We felt that our theory presentation on Marxism went well and that the class learned and comprehended the main points we were trying to teach. We began with a class discussion that focused on what the class already knew, or what they thought they knew, about Marxism. We thought that this would be a good idea because it would help generate ideas from the class and get the students thinking about the topic. Getting the students to talk about what they knew started off a little slow at first. However, when students did speak up, their ideas generally focused around political ideas and communism.
§ Consumerism and Capitalism
· Blair does not want to be part of anything but the upper class
§ Labels- associated with the upper class
§ Blair separates herself from people in her own class- depending on where your money comes from and how you spend your money also matters.
After this read aloud, we divided the class into small groups, each focusing on one group and one idea: i.e. some of us brought videos, others comics, read alouds, and advertisements. Each group member’s recollection and evaluation of their group time is talked about below.
The things that we would have done differently would have been to have a few introduction points to help students “get the ball rolling” at the beginning of class so the discussion did not start off as slowly.
Monday, February 15, 2010
Cool hunting
I also found it interesting that once a company exploits what is "cool" it immediately kills it. This search for cool is a never ending cycle that to me seems a huge waste of time, since I have no interest in the workings of the corporate world. It's just sad that a company has to go through so much and try so hard to appeal to us just to sell their products. Yet, we buy into it. And, honestly, it seems to be irreversible.
Is anyone else saddened by this fact?
Sunday, February 14, 2010
I'll buy it.
The idea that the work done by the coolhunters ultimately “kills what it finds” reminds me of an entomologist who, in cataloging all the beautiful insects they seek, must pin them down in lifeless grids. Moreover, I am reminded of the nature of fashion in Feed, which mutates not over the course of years or decades as we tend to think of currently (e.g., 80’s or 90’s fashion,) but rather hours or days, probably because the Feed is constantly indicating what is in style and thereby putting it out of style within a twenty-four hour period.
The second segment of the video conveys the notion that kids begin to see marketers as “the enemy,” which cannot help but remind me of Violet. While she is a minority character in Feed, I feel as though this kind of persona is more ubiquitous in the present day; after all, you would have to be blind to ignore the looks of contempt on the faces of the young men in that research panel. I was forced to consider the possibility that these boys were being Violets—that they might have been deliberately misinforming the researcher due to their resentment.
Let me warn you in advance that I’m about to go meg scientific on this—far more than Feed dared to, at any rate.
Still reading? Okay. So, perhaps you are familiar with Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Principle, which, in laymen’s terms, states that the act of observation inherently modifies the state of the system being observed. Of course, the Uncertainty Principle applies most properly to the state of atomic particles; Immanuel Wallerstein, however, elucidates in his 1999 essay, “Social Sciences in the Twenty-First Century” that these principles do in fact operate at our macroscopic level. For example, the subjects of sociological studies, because they are aware of the fact that they are being studied, are not acting in their most natural state—this is exactly what we are seeing in Merchants. Violet’s rebellious shopping habits demonstrate that same desire to throw the proverbial wrench in the cogs of corporate marketing. Just like the Juggalos, it is clear that Violet is trying to “break so many rules that [she becomes] indigestible.”
In reality, it would seem that the feedback loop and our dependance upon it
Saturday, February 13, 2010
The Feedback Loop
After watching the video I became intrigued with the idea of the feedback loop. I had never thought about the fact that the media companies study teenagers to portray them on television, to just have teenagers try to emulate what they see on TV. The question as to whether teenagers have a culture that is just their own left is a very valid question. With all the advertising for clothes, music, technology, "coolness" it is no wonder there is nothing unique left out there. Everyone wants to be cool and cool is currently being mass produced. I don't think teenagers have their own culture anymore. I think it was completely taken over by the media and is now being sold to teenagers for a price; that is their new culture and most of them do not even realize that it is happening.
Friday, February 12, 2010
"Mooks", "Midriffs", and real-life Feeds
The narrator called this a "feedback loop," and the connotations of that, in light of our most recent reading, were almost too close for comfort. Isn't it a little shocking to find just how closely our reality parallels that of Anderson's novel?
Thursday, February 11, 2010
Week 5: Intertextuality, Science Fiction, Marxism & Feed
- Watch the Frontline "Merchants of Cool" documentary on-line. (~1 hour)
- Write a short blog post that poses a question or suggests a idea you would like to discuss related to "Merchants of Cool", marketing to YAs, or a related topic. (If someone else has already started a strand related to what you want to discuss, just write a comment, rather than doing a new post.) Be sure to label it "Merchants of Cool" so others can find it.
- Respond to at least 2 other people's posts by Thursday.
For Thursday (face-to-face class):
- Come prepared to discuss Feed
- Critical reflection paper due.
- Use Marxist theory as a lens to read Feed. For ideas, either consult Tyson or the slides from the presentation. (I'll post them to Angel as soon as I get them from the group who presented.)
- OR
- Do an intertextual reading in which you read a specific marketing campaign or a segment from "The Merchants of Cool" against Feed. Remember that you'll need to establish the connection, but also make an argument that reading one helps us see something new in the other.
A Marxist read of Twlight
Interesting find...
Critiquing vs using stereotypes/offensive language
If anyone wants to keep talking about this, feel free to comment!
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
Gary Schmidt at Bright Ideas
Schmidt has written several young adult novels that you might want to check out. Among my favorites:
- Trouble--a coming-of-age story in which a young man struggles to make sense of his brother's accident and the social context in which it occurred (I don't want to give too much away here...)
- Straw into Gold--a retelling and reimagining of the Rumpelstiltskin story
- Mara's Stories--a collection of Jewish folklore that is framed as a series of stories that the character of Mara tells children under her care in a concentration camp
One of the comments I heard today in class was that some people valued the edginess of American Born Chinese. (I liked it too!) I think of Gary Schmidt's work as offering a completely different type of "edginess" that is about honesty and the potential for reconcilliation. I wonder if some who found Does My Head Look Big in This to be forced might find Trouble, for example, to be more "real".
Anyone else read his books?
(I win the "How many labels can you attach to a post" contest.)
Friday, February 5, 2010
Favorite graphic novels?
I'll bring: Maus I; V is for Vendetta; Blankets; and maybe a couple of others.
Censoring authors
Nonetheless, the article might be interesting to us because it brings up questions around how the ideologies in books are considered "dangerous" and the subject of censorship. (It's also kind of funny in a horrifying way.)
Thursday, February 4, 2010
Week 4: American Born Chinese, Intertextuality, and Marxist Theory
Here's a recommendation for your paper:
- Introduce: Begin with a question or aspect of American Born Chinese that interests you. Provide the reader with a little context related to that idea.
- Insert: Describe the panel or series of panels you intend to analyze to the reader. Focus on the elements most related to the idea you plan to develop.
- Interpret: "Read" the text for us--tell us what we can discover by reading the text in this way!
On Thursday the Marxist Theory group will introduce us to the theory and provide us with some practice generating questions and/or using Marxist theory to help us reading texts. If you like, you might want to look at the chapter on Marxism in the Tyson text.
Building on each other's posts
One way that you are connecting posts is through your use of labels. For example, I see someone created a "Critical Theory Today" label that others began to also use. So, if I wanted to pull together posts that addressed the Tyson reading, I could just click on that label in the cloud.
Another way to make the blog into a more "conversational" space would be to use the comment function to respond to a post with a similar topic. The advantages to this would be that people would be more likely to treat posts like invitations to take up a conversation.
Finally, you can always insert a stable link to a person's blog in your own text. (This is a way that bloggers often "cite" each other.) To generate the stable link, just click on the title of the post. This will open the post in a new window and the stable url will be in the address bar.
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
Student Affiliate of NCTE Meeting
The meeting will focus on teaching poetry in the classroom. They will have a practicing teacher come to share her experiences and ideas. Dinner will be provided.
Joining this type of organization will not only provide you will a different type of professional development than you'll get in coursework, but also looks great on a resume!
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
Teaching Tool
Full Cast Audio
Critical Theory
Of course all literature has some sort of meaning, but how you choose to understand what the author is saying is completely up to you... If you get something out of a text, then that is what you wanted and were supposed to get out of it. Critical theory is all a matter of perspective; some theories are shoved down your throat, but it's really up to you on how you want to understand and accept a text, not anybody else's opinion.
So in studying critical theory I hope everyone can keep an open mind and follow their own accepted critical readings of the texts.
Critical Theory Today Reactions

I wanted to make a recommendation for a YAL book I recently read called "Looking for Alaska," by John Green. This book struck me as very mature compared to some of the other YAL books I have read, but I respected it for that. I think any high school-er could appreciate this book for not treating the reader like a child. It deals with some mature themes like suicide, drinking, and smoking, but it presents them in a very realistic manner.
This book is very much a coming of age story. There were two main ideas that kept recurring throughout the book. The protagonists search for the "great perhaps." In other words, his step outside his comfort zone in search for the meaning of life. Coupled with a supporting characters desire to escape the "labyrinth," a metaphor for how confusing and complicated life can be, and a desire to escape life's problems. These two ideas work very fluidly together throughout the novel because there is a conflict between them. The characters want to find out more about themselves, but dont want to get lost along the way.
Also, the book can be just fun at times. I loved the protagonists obsession with famous last words, and the pranks he and his friends played while at school. All of the characters were pretty interesting, and the main cast were all very 3-dimensional. Its also a book I couldn't put down because it kept a solid pace from one event to the next. If I had to find fault with the book I would say that some of the issues the characters face are not unique to this genre (while most certainly are). I also thought that while the main characters are great some of the backup characters get stereotypical at times. Nonetheless, it is a great novel, so if you have some free time consider checking this one out.
A great piece of YAL
AHWOSG is a loose autobiography that chronicles Egger's life beginning at around age 21. I say loose autobiography because even he admits to taking creative liberties throughout the novel: creating conversations that he says would have been impossible to remember exactly, sidestepping to provide the reader with insight into his deepest thoughts, or actions in which he wished he would have taken. As described in the title, Egger's tale is heartbreaking. When he was 21 years old and a student at University of Illinois, his father died of lung cancer. Within five weeks of his father dying, his mother then passed away from stomach cancer. Dave's little brother Christopher (a.k.a "Toph") was only 8 years old at the time, and because his oldest sister Beth was consumed with law school and Bill had a full time job in Los Angeles, Dave dropped out of college to be the sole guardian of Toph.
Dave's depiction of his struggle to take on multiple roles make this novel a perfect example of YAL in my eyes. He is conflicted with with having to be a mature parent for his younger brother but also living a lifestyle close to that of his age group. I think it's a beautiful and tragic story that has the ability to make you laugh hysterically and push back tears. It is provocative but not for the sake of being provocative, only because his thoughts and emotions are so powerful, and I think, relevant to what a young person's outlook actually is.
Book Suggestion
Ideas for Marxist Theory
I was just wondering if anyone had given any thought to what we wanted to do for our project? I know we need to email Valerie this week with our plan. I was thinking it would be cool if we could do some type of visual presentation with maybe a youtube video or pictures. Also, any ideas for getting the class involved/ suggested readings?
American Born Chinese
However, while I think many YA, male readers would like this book, I think that it did enforce some strong stereo-types that our culture currently has about Asian people. Some examples of this include: pp 114- Chin-Kee eating cat, pp 203- Chin-Kee singing "She Bangs", this reminded my of the guy on the first season of American Idol who sang this song (he was Chinese)- I am not sure if this was meant to represent this or just a coincidence. I think that while these books are funny, they can also be harmful because they continue to enforce common ideas and stereo-types of others.
Monday, February 1, 2010
All-Encompassing post
As for American Born Chinese, I loved it! No one knows as well as this middle school/high school girl always on the fringe of being accepted by SOMEONE but never quite making it enough to feel satisfied, that the longer you run away from yourself, the more it follows you and forces you to become the thing you're afraid of! Which, really in the end is not that bad. It was the only time I've ever felt happy; when I finally started acting like myself for a change, that is. I think it was beautiful in its simplicity, eye-opening and shocking at times, and yet somehow just said exactly what needed to be said. No wonder it won so many awards!
I can't think of any book recommendations, but I remember one of my favorite books always being The True Confessions of Charlotte Doyle.
What do I do when I'm stuck?
Make lists.
Top 10 Fave Young Adult Books
(or books I consider to be YAL.)
(and in no particular order.)
1. Speak- Laurie Halse Anderson
2. The Secret Life of Bees- Sue Monk Kidd
3. The Lovely Bones- Alice Sebold
4. Crank- Ellen Hopkins
5. Twilight (all 4.)
6. Catalyst- Laurie Halse Anderson
7. Diary of a Teenage Girl- Melody Carlson
8. Uglies (series)- Scott Westerfield
9. The Outsiders- SE Hinton
10. The Giver- Lois Lowry
Least Fave Young Adult Book
1. Lord of the Flies- WIlliam Goldberg
(This novel gives me the same gagging reaction as when I hear "Where Have All The Cowboys Gone" on the radio.)
What does your list look like?
The Golden Compass: Too young?

I received the first of Philip Pullman’s His Dark Materials Trilogy novels, Northern Lights (or The Golden Compass as known in the U.S.), when I was around the age of seven when my mother decided I was “above my age’s reading level” (as many mothers believe of their children). I took one look at the then enormous novel and stashed it away on my bookshelf. A couple years later, I pulled it out once again only to read the first few pages. This practice continued until I was in the sixth grade and I actually found the motivation to read a bit further. By the third chapter I was hooked. I reread the novel, this time the entire series, when I was in high school and really came to understand the complexities of the story plot and what it represented. Since the Hollywood film came out, many of you may know the story plot or have read the novel itself (as usual, if you have only seen the movie, the novel is much more engaging and complex). In short, the main character Lyra ventures from home in search of her kidnapped friend Roger. She meets an Armored Bear along the way, as well as other friends and ultimately discovers that hundreds of kidnapped children are being used for ‘medical’ (for lack of a better word) experiments, ultimately conducted by her mother. She uses a ‘golden compass’ to navigate her way along her journey, as the instrument is able to mysteriously read the powers of the world. The book caused controversy as it has many hidden representations, mostly in regards to organized religion. I would recommend this series to anyone, especially adults who are more likely to grasp the hidden themes throughout the trilogy.
Here is a link to an article about the film sparking protest from the Catholic Church:
And another to a more engaging site about The Golden Compass as a movie versus a book:,10156/
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Book Recommendation
Uglies is written in a futuristic society where everyone is given an operation at age sixteen to become beautiful. Why? After an apocalyptic-like scenario the new leaders believe war was caused because of differences and inequalities. This was their solution. They didn't plan for people who might not want to be pretty. The main character, Tally makes a friend who doesn't want the operation. Will she change Tally's mind?
It's become a trilogy, with a companion novel as well. These books really make you think, especially in this world that is all about apperances.
American Born Chinese
Book Recommendation
In my ninth grade English class though my teacher picked 4 to 5 young adult novels and had a chose one that we wanted to read. We then formed groups based on the novel that we choose and had like book groups in class were we discussed different things that happened in our books every week and then when the book was finished we did a final project as a group. (I included this for those that might be interested in how these novels can be incorporated in a new way into the classroom) Anyways the book I picked was "Speak". This book is written by Laurie Halse Anderson (the same author of Wintergirls that was read to us on the first day of class). The book discusses how a young girl comes to terms with something horrible that happens to her in the beginning. It is all about how she grows as a character, while navigating through high school. It had some intense content that could be considered inapproriate in a classroom. However I thought the way it was used in our classroom was better because we really only had to discuss the issues in our groups and not as a whole class. Overall the book was very good and even was made into a lifetime movie. Kristen Stewart plays the main character Melinda.
On another note I was walking around my placement class today, which is 8th graders and I saw that one of the girls was reading Does My Head Look Big in This. I enjoyed talking to her about the book and felt like I could connect with her because we had read the same thing!
Some blogs... (?)
In other news... I'm staring at my bookshelf and I don't think I have any young adult literature up there. SO here's a recommendation for the last book I read, "Inherent Vice" by Thomas Pynchon. My first look into this famous author's cannon is ironically his very latest book, and one that frankly confused the hell out of me. Given the subject however, this is appropriate. You want to think somewhere along the lines of "The Big Lebowski" meets "Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas" for this one, in which a pot head gumshoe traces what starts as a kidnapping plot and eventually comes to include dozens of characters who may or may not connect, this being dependent on the state of conciousness that our private eye is then tuned into. I never felt like I knew half of what was going on, yet had a strong sense that the protagonist was only a lick better off than I was. A more intense reading may have been more rewarding than one stretched out over a holiday break and even a few weeks into the semester. Or maybe I should have taken notes. Either way, I can't argue that I didn't enjoy the thing, and Pyncon's language alone would have me coming back. And I don't think he would object to the idea of readers of any age enjoying the novel, never mind the target audience.
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