Kidlit Bloggers

This is one of the blogs that my students and I created for a course on young adult literature. For this particular blog, students weren't required to post and we used the space as a complement to our twice a week sessions. The "Issues of Diversity in Children's and Adolescent Literature" blog shows what it looked like when I had a blog as an instructor and asked students to create and link their own review blogs to the course site.

Friday, February 5, 2010

Censoring authors

This article in the Huffington Post relates to an attempt by the Texas Board of Education to ban a book that they thought promoted Marxism. (Umm... except that they accidently banned the wrong book: Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See?)

Nonetheless, the article might be interesting to us because it brings up questions around how the ideologies in books are considered "dangerous" and the subject of censorship. (It's also kind of funny in a horrifying way.)

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